Baptism does snatch us from the power of sin and death and brings us into the new life of the children of God, but it does not free us from human weakness and the inclination to sin. That is why we need a place where we can be reconciled with God again and again. That place is confession.[1425-1426]
The sacrament of Reconciliation is available at any time. At St. John's Church, Father Christian will be at the confessional a half hour before weekend Masses. He is available by appointment as well.
Children who are in grade two (7 years of age), will be preparing for this sacrament and for the reception of Holy Communion soon. If you have not registered your child please do so by contacting their teacher at St. Joseph School or the Parish office.
Adults who have been baptised but have not received the sacraments of Eucharist, Reconciliation and Confirmation are asked to contact Fr. Christian about instruction and completing their initiation into the life of the Church.
Upon reaching the age of reason, a Catholic is obliged to confess his serious sins. The Church urgently advises the faithful to do this at least once a year. At any rate one must go to confession before receiving Holy Communion if one has committed a serious sin. [CCC 1457] This obligation is present because sin separates us not only from God, but also from others and the Church. When we receive the sacrament of reconciliation, we make the decision to leave behind what divides us from others and to re-enter into communion with Christ, the Church, and loved ones.
Many people say, “I can go directly to God; why do I need a priest?” To forgive sins was a mission that the apostles received when Jesus proclaimed to his apostles, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained” (Jn 20:22a-23). [CCC 1439, 1485]
It does not seem like a modern thing to go to confession; it can be difficult and may cost a great deal of effort at first. But it is one of the greatest graces that we can receive again and again in our life—it truly renews the soul, completely unburdens it, leaving it without the debts of the past, accepted in love, and equipped with new strength. God is merciful, and he desires nothing more earnestly than for us, too, to lay claim to his mercy.
Youcat 226, 229, 239, 228